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Making Memories

Hi everyone,
I can’t believe that January is almost over. So far this has been a crazy year for weather, 30 degrees one day , 12 the next. My poor garden has been totally confused and I notice lots of toadstools in the bush (which usually appear in autumn).
I’ve welcomed studio visitors from Australia , USA , Canada , Holland and France (as well as lots of kiwis).
The past few weeks have been busy with processing our 30kg gooseberry crop and looking after lots of visitors. It’s been great having a houseful of kids and grandkids, chaos but fun – and so good to know that we’re helping make happy memories of time spent in a magic spot. Their PopPop is specially good at this – teaching them to ride motorbikes , making them swings and a balancing course , taking them out in the boat. My role is more kitchen based 🙂
Memories are so important for humans .
When I had to spend time in hospital some years ago I found that I could flick back through mine like photo albums. Taking myself back to family holidays, tramping trips and travel helped distract me from what was happening, and I was so grateful to have those special memories to look back through. I was thankful that I’d had the chance to go and do stuff with our family and that nothing could take that away from me.
When I begin a landscape painting my memory maybe be kickstarted by a sketch, my reference photos, something that happened there … and I’m transported , within moments I am literally standing back at that spot. I can remember how it felt, the sun on my shoulders, the sounds of a creek tumbling over the boulders, the smell of the ground after rain.
My wish for each painting is that it will also take viewer to where I was and nothing makes me happier than someone telling me it’s just like being there. I guess , for me, it’s more about getting the feeling of a place down than a photographic likeness. I’ve also been rediscovering the pleasure of painting with oils, especially outdoors .
So lots of landscapes are currently being painted as I work my way towards my exhibition at the Suter Gallery in November. I’ll be sharing the exhibition with my friend and talented Nelson artist, Francie Heathfield – watch this space.
Other news….
Tomorrow I’m hanging some of my watercolour bird paintings at Richmond Library on their exhibition wall. So if you’re passing during February please call in and check them out! And thanks to the library for approaching me with the opportunity.
My 2025 calendars were a sell out – thanks for your support and it’s been great to see them flying off all over the world.
In May Watercolour New Zealand are celebrating their 50 years anniversary with a week long get together in Marlborough . An exhibition , painting workshops and lots of outdoor painting – If you’re a member of WCNZ I might see you there. If you’re not already a member then it’s worth joining , always lots of great info, events and opportunities:
Korimako is open most days from 10am- 4pm so please call in and say hi if you’re travelling in the south.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and keep filling your memory bank,

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